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    Home > Transformative Healthcare Delivery

    No matter how much it’s talked about, value-based payments are transforming the way healthcare providers deliver care and interact with government and commercial payers. Successfully charting a course from an overwhelmingly fee-for-service model to one that embraces quality metric reporting and risk-based reimbursement is a major key to success in the years ahead.

    From new telehealth services to patient-generated health data, innovations are capturing the data and highlighting the performance that allows medical practices to successfully manage multiple chronic conditions, accurately document for them, and get paid based on risk adjustment and key patient outcome scores.

    MGMA stays up to date on developments in the value-based care space so you can confidently lead your organization to better patient outcomes and the financial incentives tied to improved population health. Fill out the form on this page for free access to our MGMA data report, Telehealth’s Future in Focus.

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