The Medical Group Management Association’s most recent MGMA Stat poll asked healthcare professionals whether they manage to take a lunch break every day. Only a minority of the respondents (15 percent) indicated they always take a lunch break while 25 percent stated they were often able to take a lunch break. Additionally, 40 percent of respondents indicated that they rarely took a lunch break and 20 percent stated that they do not take a lunch break.
For the respondents who indicated that they managed to take a lunch break either often or always, many noted the importance of taking a lunch break. One respondent stated “Eating is important. A ‘hangry’ manager is never a good thing. I make a point to eat lunch with the staff in the break room.” Others mentioned eating lunch in the break room with staff, “it is an important time to discuss matters amongst the team” and “we feel this helps to build relationships.” Overwhelmingly for healthcare professionals the theme of lunch seems to be, “Sometimes at my desk, sometimes during a meeting, sometimes in break room, sometimes outside of the office. It depends on my schedule. It is never the same.”
The poll was conducted on September 19, 2017 with 1643 total responses. Of this total, 8 indicated the question was not applicable to their situation with a net of 1635 applicable responses.
MGMA Stat is a national poll that addresses practice management topics, the impact of new legislation, and related topics. Participation is open to all healthcare leaders. Results of other polls and information how to participate in MGMA Stat is available at: mgma.com/stat