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    October 3, 2023 

    The Honorable Jason Smith The Honorable Richard Neal
    Chairman Ranking Member
    House Committee on Ways & Means House Committee on Ways & Means
    1100 Longworth House Office Building 1100 Longworth House Office Building
    Washington, D.C. 20515 Washington, D.C. 20515


    Re: MGMA Testimony – “Reduced Care for Patients: Fallout From Flawed Implementation of Surprise Medical Billing Protections” Hearing

    Dear Chairman Smith and Ranking Member Neal,

    On behalf of our member medical group practices, the Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) would like to thank the Committee for holding this important hearing on “Reduced Care for Patients: Fallout From Flawed Implementation of Surprise Medical Billing Protections” and appreciate the opportunity to provide feedback on this critical topic.

    With a membership of more than 60,000 medical practice administrators, executives, and leaders, MGMA represents more than 15,000 group medical practices ranging from small private medical practices to large national health systems representing more than 350,000 physicians. MGMA’s diverse membership uniquely situates us to offer the following feedback.

    The No Surprises Act (NSA) was passed by Congress as part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 and created certain patient protections from surprise medical bills. MGMA and our members applaud Congress for protecting patients’ access to necessary care while creating a pathway to ensure physicians and practices receive appropriate payment for out-of-network services. However, since its flawed implementation, certain NSA requirements have increased administrative and financial burden for providers, threatening the financial viability of group practices and access to care.

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