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    December 1, 2022 

    The Honorable Nancy Pelosi The Honorable Charles E. Schumer
    Speaker Majority Leader
    U.S. House of Representatives U.S. Senate
    Washington, DC 20515 Washington, DC 20510


    The Honorable Kevin McCarthy The Honorable Mitch McConnell
    Minority Leader Minority Leader
    U.S. House of Representatives U.S. Senate
    Washington, DC 20515 Washington, DC 20510


    Speaker Pelosi, Leader McCarthy, and Leaders Schumer and McConnell:

    We strongly urge you to advance the “Improving Seniors’ Timely Access to Care Act” (H.R. 3173/S. 3018) in any year-end legislative package under development by the House and Senate.

    This legislation would establish an electric prior authorization program in Medicare Advantage (MA) and would require MA plans to provide real-time decisions in response to requests for items and services that are routinely approved. Notably, the legislation was created with the basic policy proposition that Congress can and should ensure proper transparency and oversight of the MA program to protect our nation’s seniors. Therefore, the bill would also require MA plans to provide data about their use of prior authorization to the public.



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